June 21, 2022
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Flying. It is something that truly causes me a lot of anxiety. I think it’s the lack of control and understanding of planes that causes it (control problem? Haha maybe). Anyways, recently I was on a plane and as we began to decend it was pretty windy and some turbulence began. For some reason turbulence […]

August 9, 2021
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you just completely forgot who God was and what He is all about? Well, I’ll raise my hand because it for sure has happened to me. One thing I have learned about being a Christian and follower of Jesus is that it is the last thing […]

August 4, 2021
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I am very passionate about words. The whole point of Words Are Golden is to encourage others in words because of how powerful they truly are. Our words have the power to speak life, bring joy, and deeply inspire others. They also have such power to cause deep hurt & pain to others & even […]

January 26, 2021
Break free from guilt and embrace the grace so freely given to you. Pheeeeew. I don’t know about you, but I am constantly needing to be reminded of grace. I forget the grace that God so freely extends to me so easily. I am so quick to criticize myself when I mess up or forget […]